Safety (continued)
Operating the Hedge Trimmer
ALWAYS protect yourself from hazards such as thorny brush and flying debris by wearing gloves and close fitting clothing that covers arms and legs. Never wear shorts. Don’t wear loose clothing or items such as jewelry that could get caught in machinery or underbrush. Secure long hair so it is above shoulder level.
ALWAYS wear eye, ear, and hand protection while operating this unit!
ALWAYS stop the engine before removing branches or debris from the cutters! Never allow the cutters to contact buildings or other hard objects!
ALWAYS stop the engine and install the blade cover before moving to another work site, and maintain a firm footing while operating or carrying the trimmer.
NEVER cut metal objects or wire with the blade.
USE EXTREME CAUTION when operating near fences or electric wiring.
NEVER allow children to use the unit. Avoid operating near bystanders.
ALWAYS operate with both hands firmly gripping the unit.
NEVER operate this unit if the safety guard has been removed or damaged!
AVOID using or storing this unit in a wet environment. Water on the cutters may enter the gearcase and damage your unit.
AVOID cutting large or extremely “woody” branches. Doing so can shorten cutter life, and may also damage the gearcase.
ALWAYS keep proper footing and do not overreach. Maintain your balance at all times during operation.
Always maintain this unit accord- | Never allow the engine to run at high | Never place flammable material close |
ing to this owner’s manual and fol- | RPM without a load. Doing so could | to the engine muffler and never run |
low the recommended scheduled | damage the engine. | the engine without the spark arrestor |
maintenance. | When transporting the unit in a vehi- | screen in place. |
Never modify or disable any of the | cle, tie it down securely to prevent fuel | Keep the cutters sharp and properly |
unit’s safety devices. | spillage or damage to the machine. | adjusted. |
Always use genuine Shindaiwa parts | Always stop the engine and allow it to | Keep the unit as clean as possible. |
and accessories when repairing or | cool before refuelling. Avoid overfilling | Keep it free of loose vegetation, mud, |
maintaining this machine. | and wipe off any fuel that may have | etc. |
Do not make unauthorized modifica- | spilled. | Always clear your work area of trash |
tions to the unit. |
| or hidden debris to help ensure good |
| footing. |