The Power of Technology
CAN Systems Put the Latest Technology to Work for You
New Holland service professionals use an Electronic Service Tool (EST) to service New Holland tractors. The latest New Holland tractors are equipped with a Controller Area Network (CAN), that allows all the tractor systems to communicate on one network. No longer is your New Holland service technician tied to the shop. The EST makes
Provide Information to the Operator
Improve Tractor Operation
Enhance Tractor Performance
Prevent System Failures
Provide Quick and Accurate Troubleshooting
Service technicians connect the Electronic Service Tool into the tractors CAN system to communicate using the CAN network. Fault based diagnostics are used to quickly identify problems. Detailed photographs, diagrams and component locators on the EST screen provide complete information about related wiring and connectors. Repairs can be made quickly, assuring maximum productivity. In addition to service diagnostics, the EST can be used to download new software to upgrade the functions performed by the controller networks. It can also be used to change the default transmission gears.
Consider several examples of how controllers and other devices within the CAN work together. As the tractor moves through the field, the controllers in the CAN system continually check a variety of inputs:
Operator Commands
Engine Torque
Gear Selection
Tractor Speed
Wheel Slip
Hitch Position
As conditions vary, this information is used by the system to adjust engine power to the transmission. The transmission responds to commands from the operator to complete functions that previously required individual actions by the operator. Therefore, the operator’s time is available to make corrections in the field. As the operator moves the hand throttle lever or signals other operations, the tractor identifies the change and sends the new command to the required systems via the CAN system. New Holland tractors are designed as a platform for evolving technology to provide more usable information.