Your Seed Planting Schedule (Continued)
April 23 or 4 weeks after starting your tomato and pepper seeds. All seedlings will be ready to harden
by May 7. An example of a completed Planting Schedule (shown below) includes all this information.
Planting Schedule
Last Frost Date: May 7
| Weeks to | Earliest Seed | Ready to | Transplant | |
Plants | Grow | Starting Date | Harden Off | Date | Notes |
Tomatoes | 6 weeks | March 26 | May 7 | May 17 | For cucumbers - |
Peppers | 6 weeks | March 26 | May 7 | May 17 | Seed 4 weeks after |
Cucumbers | 2 weeks | April 23 | May 7 | May 17 | tomatoes & peppers. |
Sample Planting Schedule for seeding
Example 2: Planting schedule for both frost tolerant and
Continuing with the example from Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A. (where the last frost date is May 7), suppose you want to also start seedlings for frost tolerant plants such as lettuce, beets, chard and scallions, as well as for
Scallions, beets, and chard seeds need about 2 weeks to grow until the seedlings are ready for hardening off. The lettuce seeds grow quicker and can be planted a week after the scallions, beets
and chard seeds. In addition, these plants can all tolerate a frost and can usually be planted in the ground 6 weeks before the last frost date.
You’ll need another 1½ weeks to harden off the lettuce, scallions, beets and chard plants before transplanting outside (more on this on page 14 of this Guide). Using a calendar to count backwards 9½ weeks (2 weeks + 6 weeks + 1½ weeks) gives you a seed starting date of February 28. An example of a completed Planting Schedule (shown below) includes all this information.
Planting Schedule
Last Frost Date: May 7
Frost Tolerant | Weeks to | Earliest Seed | Ready to | Transplant |
Plants | Grow | Starting Date | Harden Off | Date | Notes |
Scallions | 2 weeks | February 28 | March 14 | March 24 |
Beets | 2 weeks | February 28 | March 14 | March 24 | For lettuce - Seed 1 week |
Chard | 2 weeks | February 28 | March 14 | March 24 | after scallions, beets & chard. |
Lettuce | 1 week | March 7 | March 14 | March 24 |
| |
| |
Tomatoes | 6 weeks | March 26 | May 7 | May 17 | Start seedlings after trans- |
| planting spring crops outside. |
Peppers | 6 weeks | March 26 | May 7 | May 17 | For cucumbers - Seed 4 weeks |
Cucumbers | 2 weeks | April 23 | May 7 | May 17 | after tomatoes & peppers. |
Sample Planting Schedule for seeding frost tolerant and