LIMITATIONSAND EXCEPTIONS4: SECTION | g:followin thefrom resultingdefects toinapplicable beshall warrantyThis | rust,moisture, s,abrasive dirt,fuel, staleincluding t,ec negland igenceglne suse,mi abuse,(1)Accident, | habits;use ortorage stincorrec todue tionreac adverseany orcorrosion, | or:laws; | .above eth ofany afteroccurring usecontinued otdue componentsor partsto amagedonal (4)Additi | OF CONSEQUENTIAL EXCEPT | TODURATION INLIMITED ISPRODUCTS THESEON PURPOSEPARTICULAR AFOR FITNESSOR ITY | TICE,NO WITHOUTUCT PRODTHE OFDESIGN THEIMPROVE ORCHANGE TORIGHT THESERVES | .UCTS PRODED MANUFACTURPREVIOUSLY UPDATETO BLIGATIONO ASSUMENOT DOESAND | longhow onons limitatior damages,sequential nco orincidental ofexclusion theallow tno dotates sSome | givesrranty waThis .you toapply notmay onsexclusi orons limitatiabove theso lasts,warranty impliedan | .state tostate fromvary whichghts riother havealso mayyou andrights, egallc specifiyou | RESPONSIBILITIESCUSTOMER 5:SECTION | writtenas upkeepgeneral andstorage operation,maintenance, care,ereasonabl xhibitemust tuc odpr The | occur,failure orproblem ationaloper anShould .manual Owner’s/Operator’sthe ofsection maintenancethe in | Proof.evaluation forer alde Husqvarnaauthorized anto isas deliveredbut ,ed usbe otnd shoulproduct eth | .customer thewith solelyrests 6,section inexplained aspurchase, of | CONSIDERATIONWARRANTY OBTAINTO PROCEDURE6: SECTION | properlyis CardRegistration Warrantyeth thatcertain maketo litynsibi spore aler’sDe andOwner’s theis It | days(10) tenwithin mailedbe shouldcard This.Company Garden& ForestHusqvarna tomailed andout lledfi | .service | .items displayand toolschains, andbarsincludingaccessoriesparts,ReplacementWarranty:Day30 | operational arecharges theof yiver ated deland from up ays | “Yellowthe throughlocated normallybe candealer Husqvarnarized authoAn .warranty thisby coverednot | .area yourin dealera forHUSKY62 | HUSQVARNA RoadStatesville 7349 | 28269NC Charlotte, | 2002 | |||||
WARRANTYLIMITED1:SECTION | rranty“Wa thefor purchaseof datethe fromworkmanshipandmaterialintsdefecfromfreebetochaser | below:forthsetasproducttheofPeriod” | arranty:WLifetime.uctproddhel | area wideriders, turnzero | .equipmentalicommercengaginggroundandwalks, | tractors, handheld for . systems tated garden blowers, collection sherein andyard snow t asexcept mowers, saws, sassi e, lawn clearing | regulations,EPA andII | atied supplinformation productwith warrantyseparateaceivedrehaspurchaserthewhichforfacturers | .purchaseoftime | oncollecti assist . - useor power purposes ers,trimm g hedge oducin blowers, rpcome dblowers,backpackgers,sticktrimmers, inoronalofessiinstitutional,cial,commerusedtemssys helndhaeding prfor | .months 6rst fithe duringreplacement 0%10withwarrantylimitedtedproryearonehaveBatteries | anyor equipmentturf alcommerci andmowers | eus orse purposproducing incomeor professional,nal,utiotitinscommercial,foredustoducprHusqvarna | .hereinprovidedotherwiseasexcept | purchase | musttions instrucec anmainten andre caAll .formmclaiwarrantywithCharloreturnedmustuct attetobe | notis l/bootreappa protectivethe oftfi The.labelmanufactufollowed caretheonrerthebystatedasbe | .warrantyundercovered | WARRANTYTHE UNDERTIONSOBLIGAARNA’SHUSQV2:SECTION | componenta iflabor orparts . forcharge periodwarranty withoutcomponentsdefectivereplacerepairHusqvarna thegurinworkmanmaterialbecause orwill dpshiorinctdefeofafails | WARRANTYTHISCOVEREDITEMSSECTION BYNOT3: | warranty:thisbycoverednotareitemsfollowingThe | butincluding, sawsprings, use,regular rewindlubricants, malrno s, through bar rnbecomemaintenancecustomer(1)Normal idegulters,adapters,limited wowhichitems fibulbs,bladedes,blabelts,to,not | respectivethe byvered coare itemshese discoloration tmanufactured tines;andropestarterplugs,sparchain, light;travioletuluealmateriofal(2)Natur varna;Husqbynotsystemsdriveand(3)Engine sk otd | |||||||||
| co ls i and modules on hand |
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