When only analog will do.
KIMBER KABLE understands that a turntable is an extension of the
audiophile’s commitment to musical enjoyment. TAK™ preserves all the
precious detail that can be extracted from vinyl. OGQ/2™ (Orthogonal
GyroQuadratic/2 channel) braiding virtually eliminates electromagnetic
interference, radio frequency interference and crosstalk. Proprietary
shielding material drastically reduces low frequency hum. TAK™ is available
in three models:
XLR. Other termination options are available on request.
Bruce C. Kinch – Primyl Vinyl, Vol. 4, No.2
TAK Hybrid
| SME™ 90˚ DIN Ultraplate™ RCA | “Studio Grade” |
DIN | XLR type |
C o n n e c t o r O p t i o n s
I n t e r c o n n e c t s Interconnects