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  6. Computer Equipment
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Samsung MZ-7PD128 manual 12

MZ-7PD512BW, MZ-7PD064BW, MZ-7PD064Z, MZ-7PD128BW, MZ-7PD128Z, MZ-7PD256BW, MZ-7PD256Z, MZ-7PD512Z

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Download on canonical page 16 pages, 1.28 Mb

STEP 9. Scan for files to exclude from cloning in the newly set path

STEP 10. Select files to exclude from cloning

Continue selecting files to exclude until the text below the Browse button changes to “Ready to clone to the Target Disk”.



