Power Tools
Paint Sprayer
Harbor Freight Tools
Power Tools
Paint Sprayer
Harbor Freight Tools
66222 operating instructions
Please, tick the box below to download manual:
HVLP GraVity Feed SPray Gun
SaVe tHiS manuaL
Safety alert Symbol and Signal Words
imPOrtant SaFety inStructiOnS
inStructiOnS PertaininG tO a riSk OF Fire, eLectric SHOck, Or injury tO PerSOnS
Work area
Personal safety
tool use and care
air source
SaVe tHeSe inStructiOnS.
SymBOLS and SPeciFic SaFety inStructiOnS
Symbol Denitions
n .../min
PSi ft-lb BPm cFm ScFm
nPt nPS
FunctiOnaL deScriPtiOn
components and controls
initiaL tOOL Set uP/ aSSemBLy
air Supply
OPeratinG inStructiOnS
understanding HVLP
tool Set up
Work Piece and Work area Set up
Prepare the paint
adjust the air Pressure
adjust the Paint Volume
adjusting the Fan direction and Pattern
understanding Paint thinners and Solvents
Painting technique with this HPLV Sprayer
Operating the HVLP Sprayer
uSer maintenance inStructiOnS
cleaning, maintenance, and Lubrication
cleaning the Sprayer
SKU 66222 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 14
tool troubleshooting
Problem Possible causes Likely Solutions
Paint aPPLicatiOn trOuBLeSHOOtinG
SKU 66222 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 15
Problem Possible causes Likely Solutions
SKU 66222 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 16
PartS LiSt
Part description Qty
PLeaSe read tHe FOLLOWinG careFuLLy
Limited 90 day Warranty