Household Appliance
Hunter Fan
Household Appliance
Hunter Fan
42845-01 installation manual
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Type 2A ModelsType 2A ModelsType 2A Models
For Your Records and Warranty Assistance
Owners Guide and Installation Manual
English Francias
Welc om e
Cautions and Warnings
Pre par ing th e Fa n S ite
Step 1 - Choose the Fan Site
Checklist for Existing Fan Site
Pre par ing th e Fa n S ite (c ont inu ed)
Step 2 - Cut the Ceiling Hole
Step 3 - Install a Support Brace, If Necessary
Step 4 - Install the Outlet Box
Step 5 - Prepare the Wiring
Mou nti ng and Op tio nal Ac ces sor ies
Understanding Mounting
Considering Optional Accessories
1 Ge tti ng Rea dy
Gathering the Tools
Checking Your Fan Parts
Preparing the Fan Site
2 In sta lli ng the Ha nge r B rack et
3 Se cur ing Fan to Se co nda ry Sup por t S yst em
4 Ha ngi ng and Wi rin g t he Fan
5 In sta lli ng the Mo tor Hou sin g
6 As sem bli ng the Bl ade s
7 Co mpl eti ng Your In sta lla tio n W ith a Bow l L igh t Fi xt ure
8 Op era tin g a nd Cle ani ng Your Ce il ing Fan
9 Tro ubl esh oot ing