EPSON Endeavor 4SX/25, 4DX/33, and 4DX2/50
Installing Hard Disk Drives
cl It is recommended that a
cl When installing a hard disk drive, see the hard disk drive type tables on page 7 and use the SETUP program to select the correct type number for the drive. You can select a type number that matches the parameters for the drive or a type number with parameters having lesser values, as long as they do not exceed the maximum capacity (in MB) of the drive. If there is no match for the drive, you can select a
Software Problems
Cl When installing a
Cl When using a software package that uses a key disk as its
Make sure that you do not forget the password you set up. If you do, you must disable it by setting jumper J7 on the main system board to the ON position.
If you set J7 to ON, however, CMOS RAM returns to the factory settings and you need to run the SETUP program to enter your system configuration again.
Booting Sequence
If you cannot boot the computer from the hard disk drive, make sure the booting sequence in the SETUP program is set to A, C. Then boot the computer from a system diskette in drive A.
Information Reference List
Engineering Change Notices
Technical Information Bulletins
Product Support Bulletins
Related Documentation
SPKENDVR EPSON Endeavor Self Paced Kit
400195200 EPSON Endeavor Setup Guide
400195100 EPSON Endeavor User’s Guide
400195000 EPSON VGA Utilities Guide
EPSON | 4/1/93 |