Copyright©2003 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Getting started
Getting started
• When selecting a setting, you can use the following parameters: on, 1, or +.
• When removing the selection for a setting, you can use the following parameters: off, 0, or -.
• The default values of the settings are marked in the tables in bold.
When you send a command to the camera, the camera replies with a confirmation message.
Taking the camera in use with SMS commands1. Set the language for the camera by sending the SMS command 21_security code_number of
language to the camera. The preset security code is 1234. The number of your language can be
found in the General commands table below.
2. Set yourself as the master user of the camera by sending the SMS command 8_security code_user
name_phone number to the camera. Replace user name with your name. The name can be up to 20
characters long and it must not contain spaces or special characters. Replace phone number with
the number of your mobile phone.
3. Set the name for the camera by sending the SMS command 25_camera name to the camera.
Replace camera name with the name you want to give to the camera.
4. If your service provider supports over-the-air MMS configuration, send the message 91_service
number_service provider dependent text to the camera. Ask your service provider for the service
number and text. If your service provider does not support this feature, send the commands listed
in the Connection commands table to the camera. Ask your service provider for details.