71 10
Redemption Date
81 11 Numeric
Principal Principal Presented Quantity. Format 99999999999
92 13
Principal Rate
Format 999999.999999
105 13 Numeric
Accrued Interest
Rate Format 999999.999999
118 11 Numeric Redeemed Amount Redeemed Quantity. Format 99999999999.
129 14 Numeric Total Amount Due The amount that DTCC is expecting on Payable Date. Format
143 13 Character SCL ID Number SCL ID Number
156 12 Character
Beginning of
Certificate Number
Beginning of Certificate Number, for Physical Issues,
otherwise will be spaces.
168 12 Character
Ending of
Certificate Number
Ending of Certificate Number, for Physical Issues, otherwise
will be spaces. The ending number will be the same as the
beginning number, at this time.
180 13 Numeric
Denomination The Face Value of this Certificate. Format 9999999999999
193 14 Numeric
Total Amount Due
For Certificate
The Face Value * (Principal Rate + Accrued Interest Rate).
Format 99999999999.99
207 11 Character Uncalled Portion
If the Principal Presented Quantity is greater than the
Redeemed Quantity on a Partial Call, the difference will be
noted here, otherwise the value will be zeros. Format
218 35 Character Return Portion
The DTCC preferred breakdown of returned certificates when
there is an Uncalled Portion. See Appendix for more
information. If Uncalled Portion = zero, this field will contain
the message “Not Applicable”.
253 8 Character PFR Agent The agent number associated with the M or N sign-on
indicated in the header portion as Addressee ID.
261 30 Character Filler For DTCC use for future expansion
8.28 RAPPFR USER'S GUIDE Page 5 August 2004
Copyright © 2004 by The Depository Trust Company