3MSideWindows Specifications

Filter Materials: Impact resistant polycarbonate
Filter Shade: 5
Ordering Information
Part Numbers: for complete helmet with
SideWindows option, simply add “SW”after
helmet part number.
Note:Very strong sunlight and light from very
close, side-by-side welding may interfere with the
welder’s view of the workpiece; when practical, use
welding partitions to separate welders. The
SideWindows option is available on the Speedglas
9000 Series, FlexView, and ProTop helmets.
Eliminate “tunnel vision”...try a Speedglas SideWindows helmet and see
what you’re missing!


3MSideWindows Helmets Improve

Visibility, Safety and Comfort

3MSpeedglasSideWindows Helmets allow for
peripheral vision. The two shade 5 side filters
increase the peripheral viewing area by over 100%.
SideWindows filters allow welders to see
potentially-hazardous peripheral objects, such as
protruding beams, vehicles, and other welders,
with the helmet down.
SideWindows also permit welders to easily move
around their work area with constant protection
from UV/IR radiation.
The two side filters are designed solely for
peripheral vision; the welder continues to view his
own arc through the center (auto-darkening) filter.
Peripheral Vision for Welders
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