If required, attach 3M TM 2000, 6000 or 7000 Series Cartridges/Filters according to previous instructions. If cartridges/filters are not required, remove Adapters 701 or Cartridge Holders 7891. Screw 3M™ Full Face Plugs 7890 into both sides of the facepiece.
3M TM Breathing Tube Assembly1. Remove 3MTM Full Face Plug 7890 and screw in 3MTM Adapter
Fig. 9 | Fig. 10 |
2.Connect 3M TM Breathing Tube
3.Connect 3M TM Breathing Tube
4.Check all attachments for secureness. See User Instructions included with air regulating valves for further information.
3M TM Breathing Tube Assembly1.Remove Full Face Plug 7890 and screw in 3M TM Breathing Adapter Tube
Fig. 11
2.Connect the other end of breathing tube to either the 3MTM