•Cleaning with solvents may degrade some respirator components and reduce respirator effectiveness. See Maintenance and Cleaning section.
• | Inspect all respirator components before each use to ensure proper operating conditions. |
• | The used cartridge must be disposed of in accordance with all applicable waste regulations. |
•Avoid overstretching the holes in the universal second skin. To prevent tearing the exhalation valve cover opening of the universal second skin, be careful pulling it over the flanges of the exhalation valve housing.
•DS2 is a common agent used in the decontamination of equipment exposed to military chemical warfare agents. DS2 may damage the front and side voicemitters of the mask assembly. When exposed to DS2, rinse voicemitters with clean water.
Before use the wearer must read and understand these User Instructions . Keep these instructions for reference.
Note, the
–Meets canister requirements for protection against CS, CN.
–Meets cartridge requirements for chlorine, hydrogen chloride and sulfur dioxide.
–Filter meets 42 CFR 84 P100 requirements.
–Meets the gas testing criteria of U.S. Military Specification
–Is not NIOSH evaluated for any other gases or vapors.
Note, the
-Meets canister requirements for protection against H2S(escape only), Phosphine, CS, and CN.
-Meets cartridge requirements for certain organic vapors, sulfur dioxide, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, ammonia, methylamine and formaldehyde.
-Filter meets 42 CFR 84 P100 requirements.
-Meets certain gas testing criteria of U.S. Military Specification
Use For
3M recommends the use of this product to help reduce the respiratory exposure of wearers to certain chemical and biological warfare agents when used in accordance with all use and limitation instructions and applicable safety and health regulations.