Measuring an Infant or Small Animal
1Set the slide switch to the correct mode.
Example: Set the mode switch to “WEIGHT B”.
2Press the measurement switch
gently and step on your scale.
All display segments are indicated for sev-
eral seconds. Step on the scale without any
baby or animal in your hands before display-
ing 0.0 kg /0.0 lb.
3Have infant or animal placed
Stay on the scale and have the infant or
animal placed securely in your arms within
ten seconds after the scale is displaying 0.0
kg /0.0 lb and symbol. Keep still during
the measurement until the Ready/Complete
symbol is displayed. You will see the
display changed to dashes. Please stay still
as much as you can.
4The weight of the infant or animal
can be read after the stable symbol
is displayed.
After approximately fifteen seconds, the
scale will automatically power off.
5Step off the scale.
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