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All models comply with ANSI Z21.10.3 CGA4.3

All models comply with ASHRAE/IES90.1b-1992.

C.E.C.California Energy Commission


80% thermal efficiency and standby energy losses approximately one half of comparable standard atmospheric models

INDUCED DRAFT BUILT-IN BLOWER - Blower comes factory mounted and wired to the top cover with 6 foot power cord. Ideal for installations where negative pressure in the building is present. Blower proves draft prior to ignition. No drafthood or barometric damper required.

METAL VENTING - Category I appliance, uses standard metal

single wall or "B" type vent. Can be commonly vented with other

Category I appliances. Vent connects directly to the blower outlet.

JACKET - Heavy gauge steel with baked enamel finish over a bonderizedundercoat.

FOAM INSULATION - saves fuel, helps reduce standby heat loss.

GLASS LINED TANK - Glass specifically developed by A.a.

Smith for water heaters, is permanently fused to steel, providing years of corrosion protection and dependable use.

HONEYWELL SMARTV ALVETM - Integrated control module and

gas valve, this control monitors all critical water heater functions including temperature (up to 180°F,82.2°C) main valve operation, blower operation, energy cut-out, and hot surface igniter. The diagnostic LED enables a technician to quickly and easily service the system and verify safe and efficient operation.

ANODE - CoreGuard long-life, stainless steel core anode rods.




BURNER - Heavy duty cast iron burner. Available in both natural

and propane gas.

FULLY TESTED FOR SAFETY AND PERFORMANCE - Design classified by Underwriters Laboratory for 180°F hot water service. Meets rigid requirements of the National Sanitation Foundation when equipped with the optional leg kit. Certified for use on combustible flooring.


EASY INSTAllATION - All components are factory assembled and 100% tested prior to shipment. Only gas, water, electrical and venting connections need to be made. No major field adjustments are required for proper operation. Includes T&P valve and drain valve.

EASY CLEANING - Hand hole cleanout allows easy cleaning.

OPTIONAL LEG KIT - Meets NSF Standard 5 with leg kit #6280-4 BTI 80 & 100

Limited Warranty

If the tank should leak any time during the first three years, under the terms of the limited warranty, A. O. Smith will furnish a replacement heater; installation, labor, handling and local delivery

extra. THIS OUTLINE IS NOT A WARRANTY. For complete information, consult the written warranty or A. O. Smith Water Products Company.

Warranty does not apply to product installed outside of the United States of America or its territorial possessions and Canada.

July 2000

A 104.9

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A.O. Smith BT180-100 warranty Illc @Jc~illDv~, Features, Approvalratingsand Certification, Limited Warranty