3.With the roll aligned with the scored line on the right side of the mandrel, place it in the top bracket. Place the left side of the shaft in its slot first, then place the right side of the shaft in its slot, turning it as needed. FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDED LOADING PROCEDURES CAREFULLY WHEN THREADING FILM IN THE LAMINATOR. ACCURATE ALIGNMENT OF ROLLS WILL MINIMIZE WASTE AND HELP KEEP THE LAMINATOR CLEAN.

4.While the machine is still cold, review the threading diagram. With the bottom roll of film centered on the mandrel and the shiny side facing down, run the film under the bottom idler bar and pull towards you.

5.Refer to the threading diagram. The top roll of film should run under the silver stabilizer bar and over the front of the top heat shoe. Remember, the shiny side of the film must always go against the shoe. The dull (adhesive) side must face away from the shoe. Make sure the two rolls are aligned with each other before going to the next step.

6.Turn the machine on and heat to the desired temperature.

7.With both rolls threaded and installed in their respective brackets, unwind enough film from the top roll to reach the bottom of the bottom heat shoe. Next, unwind enough film from the bottom roll to reach the top of the top heat shoe.