Watson-Marlow 620DuN and 620Du User Manual 1
Watson-Marlow 620DuN / 620Du pumpsm-620dun-du-gb-02
1 Declaration of conformity 3
2 Declaration of incorporation 3
3 Five-year warranty 3
4 When you unpack your pump 4
5 Information for returning pumps 5
6 Peristaltic pumps - an overview 5
7 Safety notes 6
8 Pump specifications 8
8.1 Pressure capability 12
8.2 Dimensions 13
9 Good pump installation practice 14
9.1 General recommendations14
9.2 Do’s and do not’s 15
10 Connecting this product to a
power supply 16
11 Start-up check list 17
12 Switching the pump on for the
first time 17
13 Switching the pump on in
subsequent power cycles
(if not in auto-restart mode) 19
14 Manual operation 20
14.1 Keypad functions 20
14.2 Speed 22
14.3 Direction 22
14.4 Keypad lock 23
14.5 Keypad beep 23
14.6 Manual operation and
remote digital inputs
and outputs 23
14.7 Backlight 24
14.8 Auto-restart 24
15 Main menu 25
15.1 Keypad functions in
menu screens 25
15.2 Main menu entry 25
16 Pin-secure process protection 27
17 Head and tubing calibration 28
18 Setup 31
18.1 Trim 32
18.2 Analogue 33
18.2.1 Input 1: speed 34
18.2.2 Scaling - stroke 35
18.2.3 Trim 36
18.2.4 Exit 36
18.3 Display 36
18.4 Pump I/D 37
18.5 Baud 38
18.6 Stop bits 38
18.7 Xon/Xoff 38
18.8 Flow units 39
18.9 Run time 40
18.10 Outputs 40
18.11 Remote stop 42
18.12 Auto-restart 43
18.13 Set maximum allowed
speed 44
18.14 Set minimum allowed
speed 44
18.15 Scrolling 45
18.16 Date and time 45
18.17 Backlight 46
18.18 ROM 46
18.19 Language 47
18.20 Defaults 47
18.21 Beep 48
18.22 Security code 49
18.23 Exit 50
19 Pin out details 50
20 MemoDose 52
20.1 Changing dosing speed 53
20.2 Footswitch operation and
other remote inputs and
outputs with MemoDose 54
21 Exit 54
22 Automatic control wiring using the
620N module 55
22.1 620N module removal and
replacement 55
22.2 Wiring up 56
22.3 Speed: analogue input 59
22.4 Scaling: analogue input 60
22.5 Speed: analogue output 61
22.6 Tachometer frequency
output 61
22.7 Run/stop input 62
22.8 Direction input 62
22.9 Auto / manual toggle
input 63
22.10 MemoDose input 63
22.11 Leak detection input 63
22.12 Outputs 1, 2, 3, 4 64