Active Noise Cancelation Headphone
* Slide the ear case off by gently pushing downward on the right ear removable cap and insert batteries.
* Replace the right ear cap by sliding back on the removable piece in an upward motion.
* For noise cancelation to be enabled, turn the switch to the on position
*note: if the light does not turn on, make sure the batteries are inserted correctly, or insert a new set
of AAA batteries if battery life is exceeded.
* The headphone can be used both in the on and off position, however, noise cancelation will only operate in the
on position.
* The in-wire volume control cord can be detached from the headphone. Place either end into the bottom of the
headphone plug, and the other end into your listening device (iPhone, iPad, iPod, MP3, ect.)
* The inline volume control can adjust the level of sound by simply scrolling the sound bar up and down for an
increase or decrease in volume.
* The headphone comes with 2 additional jacks, one for airplane usage(two prongs), and the other for in home
stereo use (one larger stereo adapter).
Additional Information:
* For warranty information please send an email to: info@ableplanet.com or call toll free at: 877.266.1979
* All products have a limited lifetime warranty. Please register your headphone immediately upon receipt at:
www.ableplanet.com Atthebottomofthehomepagethereisatabforregistrationentitled“productregistration.”
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