The Peer-to-Peer workgroup configuration enables you to quickly set up a small wireless
workgroup, where the workgroup participants can exchange files using features like
“Files and Printer Sharing” as supported by Microsoft
You can use this option to setup a temporary or Ad-hoc network in environments where
no access points are available (for example in Small Office/Home Office “SOHO”
environments). As long as the stations are within range of one another, this is the easiest
and least expensive way to set up a wireless network.
H o m e N et w o rk in g
With SD WLAN Module, wireless access to the Internet or other devices is at your
fingertips. All you need to do is connect the SD WLAN Module to an existing access
point that may be connected to the external Cable or xDSL modems and you are ready to:
Share files and printers, and
Access the Internet.
E n t erp ri s e ( In f ra s t ru c t u res ) N et w o rk i n g
With the Wi-Fi certified Access Point in the corporate network system, you can connect
to a corporate Local Area Network (LAN) infrastructure to access all network facilities in
wireless. LAN Infrastructures may either be:
Stand-alone wireless LANs.
Wireless network infrastructures connected to an existing Ethernet network.