Command Line Interface
Mirror Port CommandsThis section describes how to mirror traffic from a source port to a target port.
port monitor
This command configures a mirror session. Use the no form to clear a mirror
port monitor interface [rx | tx | both]
no port monitor interface
•interface - ethernet unit/port (source port)
-unit - Switch (unit 1).
-port - Port number.
•rx - Mirror received packets.
•tx - Mirror transmitted packets.
•both - Mirror both received and transmitted packets.
Default Setting
No mirror session is defined. When enabled, the default mirroring is for both
received and transmitted packets.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, destination port)
Ingress rule Shows if ingress filtering is enabled or disabled (page 4-177).
Acceptable frame type Shows if acceptable VLAN frames include all types or tagged frames only
Native VLAN Indicates the default Port VLAN ID (page 4-178).
Priority for untagged traffic Indicates the default priority for untagged frames (page 4-191).
Gvrp status Shows if GARP VLAN Registration Protocol is enabled or disabled (page 4-188).
Allowed Vlan Shows the VLANs this interface has joined, where “(u)” indicates untagged and
“(t)” indicates tagged (page 4-179).
Forbidden Vlan Shows the VLANs this interface can not dynamically join via GVRP (page 4-180).
Table 4-43. Mirror Port Commands
Command Function Mode Page
port monitor Configures a mirror session IC 4-136
show port monitor Shows the configuration for a mirror port PE 4-137
Table 4-42. interfaces switchport - display description
Field Description