Ace 73-100 manual Generalmaintenance

Models: 73-100

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Thrsunit is a LrghMeighlponablea I cleaneremplovrng two ihermallyprolected,hlgh pedomance ilow lhroLrgh vacuummotorsproducingvery hqh veloc[y arrtrow rhfoughthe un I By utilizLnga large (2 % ) Inel plusa va.€ly of collecungnozzlesand fttngs fine solrd paniculaiemaleraland smoke may be removedirom lhe arrby the fll1ermedia

An IntLalsparkliap colleclslarge particlesbelorethev

reachthe f er An easy lo emptytray rs anachedro rne frontcove. to enablethe removaloi the largepadrcl€s collectedby the sparktrap wilhout temovinglhe illl€r

'h . s .. aptr1'esotates . retltprfrorspart . l'eca . F ofa weldng operaton

UponleavLngthe tlap, the air ls passedthrcugha one nch (1 ) thick 20lo 35% efticienipre_filte. Thrspre filter s designed10caich lhe largerparticlesleavrngth€ lrap Thrsr€lalivelyrnexpensivepre_fillerpreventslhe more _ he o\pe'rs rdr lFr lo - Decomlngqu ch! looqpd

ve '

pre'nltershoud be changedseveraltimes beiorelhe ma n iiler needslo be changed

All factory.furnished filiers have a U L. class ll rating and using any filters otherthan those sPecified lor

this unatis nol recommended.

Useofany proiluctother lhan that recommendedby the manufaciurerwrl void the warfanly

The ma n (or nnal)fiter may be selectedfrom lhree (3)

gradesavailabe dependinguponthe levelol performancedes red Allofihese are hrghefiicency mulliflow n ters.which featu.eenended surfacearea lor ong ife n highveocity filtralionsystems

Se ect on ofthe fllterbest suiledfor lheiob shouldbe drscussedwth a dea er of a factoryrepresentalrve

A clogged lllterligh1,aciuatedby a differenlialpressure

switchrsan nlegraLparlofthe un t. When the filters becomeclogged the lightwill illuminate.Al ihis poLnt,the

illlersshouldbe changed. Dependingupon th€ applicaton lhe pr€ flter shouldbe changedsevera!lrmes beforethe ma n filier must be changed Changingthe pre' fiterc regulanywlll exlendihe usef!l life of lhe nn3lfilter

!P 1o50%





Caretullyinspectthe unitforconcealeddamagethatmay haveoccurredduringshippingandhandling ll any

damageisfound,rmrnediatelycontactlhe Freighl CompanyMak€suretherearenodenlsinthe houslng

astheymightprcvenlthelilterfromslidingintolhe unit noevidenceof damageremovefie endcoverby releasingthetworubberlatches Removal

oilhe iionl coverwrla lowInspecionoflhe insrdeol lhe

Aflef unpacktrrgthe machine checkla see thal lh€ followingpads and accessoriesare presenl

l)10 Flexb e Hose

1) Couplrng

1)FlexrbleMelalHose/[,4agneticBase ComponentParls (SeeFrg!re#2ForIndlviduaParts rcluded)


INSTALLATION {see F sure#1)

1Unpacka rnarnfrllerand notethe fta n fLlerhas a 1/8 thck blackrubbergaskelon the oulel end Pleasea so nole lhal ttr€ Jlllerhas an arrllowdrrectron

affow placedon one ofthe edges lnsenlhenlier gaskeliirsl. intothe machinewith lhe affow po nlng

lowardthe r€3r ol lhe un(, away lrornthe 1.reieno [,4akesurelhal tlrelilter mediafolds run verlically t they do nol, removethe liLlerand rolale il90'

2Plaaelhe pre iillef direcllyagainstlhe marnnlierwilh the w re sLrppo(edsid€ towardthe maii tilterand lhe

m€dia foldsagalnrunningvenicallv

3Replacethe fronl cover/sparktrap assemblvand re latchthe cover usingth€ rubberlatches Connecllhe w t to lhe powersourceand lesl lhe operauonol the unitby tufningn ON with the On/off switch Sholld the molorsnol slart or shouldthe

machne rnake!nLrsualnorses.mmedialelyturnthe machineofi and seeklrainedma nlenanceperconne

OnLct1ete5lrs onplele lu l 1e Jn I ba . l OEf

5Altactrrhe hoselo the rnlel

6Assembe ihe ilexiblemetalhoseand nozze per

c;nnecl the hose/nozzlecornbifatron3ssembledin Slep 6 aboveto lhe machinewllh lhe 10 flexiblehose and the suppliedcouPling

Th s complelesthe baslcassemblyof the un I Depending uponthe accessoriesordercdand the logistcsoithe work

place.lhe Inslalationconllgumtronmav vary

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Ace 73-100 manual Generalmaintenance