Chapter 1 17
Special KeyYou can locate the Euro symbol and US dollar sign at the upper-center and/or bottom-right of your keyboard.
To ty pe:
Fn-F4 Sleep Puts the computer in Sleep mode.
Fn-F5 Display toggle Switches display output between the display screen,
external monitor (if connected) and both.
Fn-F6 Screen blank Turns the display screen backlight off to save power.
Press any key to return.
Fn-F7 Touchpad toggle Turns the internal touchpad on and off.
Fn-F8 Speaker toggle Turns the speakers on and off.
Fn-wVolume up Increases the speaker volume.
Fn-yVolume down Decreases the speaker volume.
Fn-xBrightness up Increases the screen brightness.
Fn-zBrightness down Decreases the screen brightness
Hot Key Icon Function Description
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