Capacity (MB) 40000 60000 80000
Bytes per
512 512 512
Data heads 2 3 (for Hitachi and Seagate)
4 (for Toshiba)
4 (for Hitachi)
3 (for Seagate)
Drive Format
Disks 1 2 2
Spindle speed
4200 RPM 4200 RPM 4200 RPM
Performance Specifications
Buffer size 2048KB 8192KB 8192KB
Interface ATA/ATAPI-6; ATA-6 ATA/ATAPI-6; ATA-6 ATA/ATA-6; ATA-6
Max. media
transfer rate
372 350 350
Data transfer
100 MB/Sec.
Ultra DMA mode-5
100 MB/Sec.
Ultra DMA mode-5
100 MB/Sec.
Ultra DMA mode-5
DC Power Requirements
5V(DC) +/- 5% 5V(DC) +/- 5% 5V(DC) +/- 5%
Combo Drive InterfaceItem Specification
Vendor & model name DVD/CDRW KME UIDA760 (24x24x8x24x)
DVD/CDRW QSI SBW-242C (24x24x8x24x)
Performance Specification With CD Diskette With DVD Diskette
Transfer rate (KB/sec) Sustained:
Max 3.6Mbytes/sec
Max 10.8Mbytes/sec
Buffer Memory 2MB
Interface Enhanced IDE(ATAPI) compatible
Applicable disc format DVD: DVD-ROM, (DVD-5, DVD-9, DVD-10, DVD-18),DVD-R (read, single
border), DVD-RW, DVD-RAM (2.6GB, 4.7GB)
CD: CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-ROM XA, CD-R, CD-RW Photo (Multisession)
Video CD, CD-Extra, (CD+), CD-test
Loading mechanism Load: Manual
Release: (a) Electrical Release (Release Button)
(b) Release by ATAPI command
(c) Emergency Release
Power Requirement
Input Voltage 5 V +/- 5 % (Operating)
DVD-Dual InterfaceItem Specification
Vendor & model name DVD Dual HLDS GWA-4040N
Performance Specification With CD Diskette With DVD Diskette
Hard Disk Drive InterfaceItem
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