Function Description Icon Function Function Description
Brightness This function increases or decreases the bright ness of the image.
Contrast This function increases or decreases the diff erence between the
dark and light color.
H-Position This function shifts the entire display image left or right.
V-Position This function shifts the entir e display image up or down.
Phase A total of 32 scales (0 to 31) are available to adjust t he focus and
clarity of the display.
This function carries a frequency tracking feature that offers the
user to have better stability and clarity. Increasing Clock value can
be up to +50 scales. The number of decreasing Clock (minus) is
depend on the input timing.
Auto Adjustment This function will adjust the display size automatically to fit full
OSD H-Position This function moves the OSD menu window left or right.
OSD V-Position This function moves the OSD menu window up or down.
Graph Text
This function is to choose a display that allows maxi mum gr aphics
text quality. The resolution selection can eit her be 640 x 400 or
720 x 400. Please refer to Chapter 3 “ Standard Timing” Table for
of different timing modes.
Recall The recall function will return all adjusted parameters to factory
preset values.
Five OSD language options are available:
English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.
Press the left or right Adjustment Control button t o s elect other
Hue:100 scales of hue are available to adjust hue from green to
Saturation:100 scales of saturation are available t o c hoose from 0
to 100. Color Temp.: Push the (+ -) button to select a different
color temperature. Please see the diagram below for function and
Save Exit Saves the values of this setting and exi ts the OSD menu function.
Icon Function Description
9300 CIE coordinated Color Temperature of
9300°K Sets the CIE coordinate color
temperature to 9300°K
6500 CIE coordinated Color Temperature of
6500°K Sets the CIE coordinate color
temperature to 6500°K