2.3.1 System indicatorsPWR: When the power is connected rightly, the PWRLED will be lit on
If the LED is not lit on, then you should check the connection of your power
and the outlet of power.
Fan Err.:When the fan malfunction at work, then the Fan Err LED will be
lit up and blink. And when the fan is fail, the LED will be lit without blinking.
You should check you fan and your vender and have a new fan to instead
of the old one to make sure the equipment will work normally.
10 Collision & 100 Collision: If there’s any collision happened in 10 Mbps
or 100 Mbps domain, then the 10 Collision or 100 Collision LEDs will be lit up.
Master: When the system is master hub, the Master LED will be lit on Green.
Slave: When the system is slave hub, the Slave LED will be lit on green.
2.3.2 Port indicators100: When the port is linked with 100 Mbps equipment, the LED will be lit
on GREEN. Linking with 10 Mbps one, it will be dark.
Link/REC: When the port is linked, the Link/REC will be lit on GREEN.
And when there’s any data received in the port, the LED will be blinking in
GREEN. If the port is linked, and the LED isn’t lit up, please check if the
port connector fasten tightly.
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