Acer AT350 F2 specifications
Graphics Specifications
Nuvoton WPCM450 Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)
Main Features
∙Compatible with Microsoft Longhorn and Vista (server) operating systems
∙Fast 2D Graphics Core
∙PCI rev 2.3 bus interface
∙GDI and OpenGL compliant
∙Resolution support up to:
-1600x1200, 16bpp @75 Hz (without KVM redirection)
-1280x1024, 16bpp @ 85 Hz
-1280x1024, 32 bpp @ 60 Hz
-1024x768, 32 bpp @ 85 Hz
∙Up to 16 MB RAM address space
∙DDC level 2B compliant
∙Serial (SPI) E2PROM video BIOS interface (up to 64 KB)
2D Engine
∙Fully GDI compliant
∙Line draw engine with patterning
∙2D polygons with patterning capabilities
∙BITBLT engine
∙BLTs between host memory and frame memory
∙Color expansion
∙Transparency and
VGA Engine
∙All standard VGA modes supported
∙Super VGA modes supported through BIOS calls
∙VGA and
Display Engine
∙3 x 256 x 8
∙64 x 64 hardware color cursor