This chapter describes all the considerations to
help you take advantage of your computer’s
Disconnecting from the Desktop................... 6-2
Moving Around............................................ 6-3
Preparing the Computer........................ 6-3
What to Bring to Short Meetings ........... 6-3
What to Bring to Long Meetings............. 6-3
Taking the Computer Home ......................... 6-4
Preparing the Computer........................ 6-4
What to Bring with You......................... 6-4
Special Considerations.......................... 6-5
Setting Up a Home Office...................... 6-6
Traveling with the Computer........................ 6-7
Preparing the Computer........................ 6-7
What to Bring with You......................... 6-7
Special Considerations.......................... 6-8
Traveling Internationally with the
Computer.................................................... 6-9
Preparing the Computer........................ 6-9
What to Bring with You......................... 6-9
Special Considerations.......................... 6-9