FPC-8057 User’s Manual
3.3 FPC-8057 Networking
3.3.1 Networking via Ethernet
The FPC-8057 is equipped with a 10Base-T Ethernet controller . To utili ze it,
change the device name when the FPC-8057 is first turned on.
1 Click
___ Panel” _____________________________________________
2 Double click “Network and Dial-up Connections”
3 Find the default device name.
Change it to a unique one
depending on
the plan of individual LANs. ____ LAN90001 _______________________
4 If the FPC-8057 is a nod e of a
LAN with DHCP servers, it is
now available.
5 If the FPC-8057 is a nod e
__ _ of a LAN with fixed IP
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