Communicating with
Name: ACTiSYS IR100S-115 (Nickname of 100s, might be different with different version)
Description: Intelligent SIR Adapter
Communication efficiency (…)
Good at 115.2 Kbps (or 57.6 Kbps. Depends on the highest speed both sides can support)
5. Run HyperTerminal on PC#1 now. Set its properties according to the above configuration guide.
Click the Call icon to connect to the assigned IR port. The LED DSR and CTS of the RS232 Mini
Tester on PC#2 side should turn to Red (True) when it is connected and the 100S' LED will blink once
every half second.
6. Type keys on PC#1's keyboard and you should see the results will display on the remot e
HyperTerminal's screen. If you have got strange letters, the baud rate you set for the HyperTerminal
is not the same as 100s.
7. File Transfer: Click the menu Transf er and Receive File on PC#1 …
Click the menu Transfer and Send File on PC#2 (Fig A-5)…
The operation is similar to use cable connection.
The real data transfer speed depends on the lower one of IR speed and RS-232 speed. For example,
the IR Speed is limited to 57.6kbps and the RS-232 speed of 100s is 9600, the effective speed
(throughput) is 9570bps (Fig A-6). If the RS-232 speed set to 115.2kbps. The throughput would be
around 5kbytes/Sec.
Figure A-2