Here the settings for the R11 ~ R18 are displayed. When power is thrown for any resistor
besides R13~R15, they will be sampled at the time NMI is reinstated. After that, there will be no
problems with operation even if the settings are changed; however the settings will become invalid.
PCB bottom view
R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R: Initial Setting
Data Length (R18)
1 8 bit
0 7 bit
Parity (R17)
1 None
0 Even
Control Line Extension Mode (R16)
Serial Settings
(bps, data length, parity)
Condition for starting discovery
(primary channel)
Condition for permission to
Connect (secondary channel)
1 Self channel R13~R15
Settings When DSR : ON, CTS : ON
0 Settings from partner channel ---
RS-232C Communication Speed Setting (R13,R14,R15)
0 0 0 9600 bps
1 0 0 19200 bps
0 1 0 38400 bps
1 1 0 57600 bps
0 0 1 115200 bps
IrDA operation mode configuration (R11,R12)
0 0 Reserver
1 0 primary channel
0 1 secondary channel
1 1 primary / secondary