Next Generation CDMA 2000 Solution
6 / 0 8 • 1 0 6 3 3 0 A E Next Generation CDMA 2000 Solution
UltraWAVE CDMA can be configured to fit in a variety of applications for mobile and fixed applications.
Mobile UltraWAVE CDMA Networks
UltraWAVE CDMA can be installed as a
As a revenue generator, UltraWAVE CDMA offers the operator a variety of value added services; including, voicemail, prepaid and SMS. Either ADC VAS servers or the operator’s third party servers may be used. Also a variety of supplementary services are available.
Reduced backhaul costs also make UltraWAVE CDMA an excellent extension to existing mobile CDMA2000 networks. Network extensions can be built around
Fixed UltraWAVE CDMA Networks
For ILECs who want to extend their networks in a cost efficient manner, UltraWAVE CDMA comes as a pure access solution. Existing local exchanges (Class 5 switches) can provide existing services seamlessly over a V5.2 access interface to new remote areas. In this case, UltraWAVE CDMA acts as a
CLECs who are looking for a complete solution should consider a
UltraWAVE CDMA Network Configuration
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