PONλ Express™ 16
Universal Transport Platform for Access Networks
The PONλ (Passive Optical Network over wavelengths) Express 16 is the first transport platform to use a Passive Optical Network (PON) architecture to break the access bottleneck. Using Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM), the PONλ Express 16 provides
Spec Sheet
•Delivers up to 1Gbps of dedicated, symmetrical bandwidth per suscriber
•Uses a single fiber for up and downstream traffic
•Provides “colorless” optics on the ONTs/ ONUs as well as the OLT line cards
•Supports SNMP and TL1 for management
•Provides multiple deployment options to fit every environment:
-Strand mount or underground option
-Rack mount option
-Modular option for existing splitter cabinet
•Uses modular architecture for simple and quick service and bit rate upgrades
•Allows complete or partial redundancy through the network
•Enables multiple services and bit rates to exist simultaneously without complex traffic management
•Allows for service and bit rate upgrades without infrastructure changes
•Reduces inventory costs by using “colorless” ONTs/ONUs and OLT line cards (OCUs)
•Recovers fiber assets in older deployments and reduces fiber count for new deployments
•Supports transparent SLAs
•Allows 1310nm overlay using ADC‘s DWDM VAM module to support legacy networks
•Provides more security and privacy due to dedicated wavelengths
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