Your monitor will plug directly into the back of the AdderView, however if you wish to extend the distance between the AdderView and the monitor then you may use a tri- coax video extension cable. This cable should preferably be no longer than 10 metres although cable runs up to 20 metres long may also give acceptable video quality.
A3. PS/2 style keyboard and mouse extension cables
PS/2 style keyboards and mice will plug directly into the AdderView USB model
A4. Remote controller extension cables
The remote controller is supplied as standard with a 3 metre long lead. This distance may be extended with the use of suitable shielded extension cable. This extension cable may be up to 20 metres long and should be wired so that all pins are connected straight through (1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3 etc.). Remote controllers with longer leads are also available from your supplier.
AdderView USB | Installation and Use | Page 26 |