Menu Descriptions
61181307L7-5E 13
Test Jack Configuration Screen
The Test Jack Configuration screen (Figure 11) controls the test jack, which is found on the
back of the QDFR unit. This jack can “look at” a chosen port, in either direction as chosen by
the user, as if it were a monitor jack (non-intrusive mode) or it can “break” a chosen port, in
either direction, as if it were a equipment jack (intrusive mode).
Figure 11. Test Jack Configuration Screen
The options on this screen are as follows:
Toggle Test Jack Mode – Select Monitor (non-intrusive) or Terminate (intrusive)
Change Test Port Number – Select an active port
Toggle Inclusive Test Direction – This option has no effect on Monitor mode. Select Network
or Customer
Refer to “Appendix B”, “Rear Panel DS1 Test Access” for a full description of the function-
ality of the test jack.
Shelf: 1 Slot: 2 Total Access System mm/dd/yy hh:mm
Test Jack Configuration Screen
Test Jack Mode: Monitor
Active Port Number: Port 1
Intrusive Test Direction: Network
1. Toggle Test Jack Mode
2. Change Test Port Number
3. Toggle Intrusive Test Direction