This macro changes to the TOOL directory, then starts up SFED3220.COM with EXAMPLE.TXT.

SF2 = COPY C:\CONFIG.EMM C:\CONFlG.SYS [33] Y [33] [85] [79]

The configuration information is changed by copying CONFIG.EMM to CONFIG.SYS. After a delay of 5 seconds, [85], the macro invokes macro function key SF10, [79], which was defined to reset the system.

SF4 = C:\WP51\WP[33][86][27][4D][90]REPORT.WP5[33]

This example shows that after a macro executes, it is able to direct the program to accomplish several tasks. WordPerfect is started. After a delay of 10 seconds (time to load the program), the

command Shift-F10, [27][4D], is issued to import a text file. The name of the text file (REPORT.WP5) is inserted; and finally ENTER, [33], causes the text file to be loaded and displayed on the screen.

SF10 = [28][26][41][90]

Restarts the computer (CTRL-ALT-DEL).

23 Chapter 3 Macro Key Programming