DuoScan f40
Owner’s GuidePreface
This chapter gives you general information about DuoScan f40.
Chapter 1: Preparing the Scanner
This chapter shows you how to prepare your DuoScan f40 for installation.
Chapter 2: Installing the Scanner
This chapter shows you how to set up your DuoScan f40 for the Apple Macintosh and PC.
Chapter 3: Placing Originals
This chapter shows you how to place your originals in your DuoScan f40.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
This appendix can be helpful when you come across problems that you are unable to solve.
Appendix B: Technical Information
This appendix provides specifications of your DuoScan f40.
Appendix C: DuoScan f40 Regulation Compliance
This appendix gives you information on the safety regulations and on electromagnetic