General Information 11
PSI boards to lie on table outside unit, and control board test connector.
5060-0138 GP-IB connector non-metric to metric conversion kit.
5060-2860 FET service kit, includes FETs and all components that should be replaced with FETs.
59510A Relay Accessory
59511A Relay Accessory (Polarity Reversing)
Instrument and Manual IdentificationThe serial numbers listed on the front of this guide indicate the versions of the supplies that were available when the manual
was issued. If changes have been made to the instrument since the publication of this manual the manual may include a
loose yellow "Manual Change’’ sheet. That sheet updates this manual by defining any differences between the version of
your supply and the instruments described in this manual, and may also include information for correcting any manual
errors. Note that because not all changes to the product require changes to the manual, there may be no update information
required for your version of the supply.
Ordering Additional ManualsOne User’s Guide is shipped with each power supply. Additional User’s Guides and Operating and Service manuals may be
purchased directly from your local Agilent Technologies Sales office. Specify the model number, serial number prefix, and
the manual part number provided on the title page. (When ordered at the same time as the power supply, additional manuals
may be purchased by adding Option 910 to the order. Each Option 910 includes one User’s Guide and one Operating and
Service Manual).
Related DocumentsThe following service documents can be ordered from your local Agilent Sales Office.
Agilent 6010A Operating and Service manual Agilent part number 06010-90001
Agilent 6011A Operating and Service manual Agilent part number 06011-90001
Agilent 6012B Operating and Service manual Agilent part number 06012-90004
Agilent 6015A Operating and Service manual Agilent part number 06015-90001
Agilent 6023A Operating and Service manual Agilent part number 06023-90001
Agilent 6028A Operating and Service manual Agilent part number 06010-90001
SpecificationsSpecifications for the power supply fall into two major categories: performance specifications and supplemental
Performance specifications describe the power supply's warranted performance. All performance specifications are at the
rear output terminals with a resistive load. Specifications apply over the full operating temperature range of 25 +/- 5°C
unless otherwise specified range. The Service Manual has procedures for verifying the performance specifications.
Supplemental characteristics give typical but non-warranted performance parameters. Design or type testing determines
supplemental characteristics. They are useful in understanding the power supply’s operation when accessing applications for
the power supply.