Language Dictionary - 6
cfMeasDCResistance measures the dc resistance of a cell or all cells
cfMeasOutputProbeResistance measures the output probe resistance of a cell or all cells
cfMeasProbeContinuity checks the sense and output probe connections of a cell or all cells
cfMeasSenseProbeResistance measures the resistance looking into the sense probes of a cell or all cells
cfMeasVoltage measures the voltage of a cell or all cells
cfOpen opens a connection to the Agilent MCCD
cfOpenGroup associates a server handle with a defined group
cfProtect forces the Agilent MCCD into a protected state
cfProtectClear clears the protected state of the Agilent MCCD
cfReadMeasLog returns measurements acquired during a forming sequence
cfReadTestLog returns error messages from the test log
cfReadSerial reads data from one of the serial ports
cfReset sets programmable functions to their power-on state
cfResetSeq aborts and clears a previously defined sequence
cfRestart recalls a previously saved restart state
cfSaveOutputConfig saves the output configuration in non-volatile memory
cfSelftest begins an instrument selftest
cfSetAutoConnect turns the automatic reconnect feature of the mccd.dll file on or off
cfSetCurrent sets the output current
cfSetDigitalConfig sets the operation of an individual digital I/O port
cdSetDigitalPort writes a data word to the digital I/O port
cfSetErrorFunction defines an error function
cfSetGroup defines a group of cells
cfSetMeasLogInterval defines the criteria for generating a measurement log entry
cfSetOutputConfig configures the output cells as active or inactive
cfSetOutputProbeTest sets the resistance limit of the output probe
cfSetOutputState sets the instrument’s output state off, charge, or discharge
cfSetSense sets the voltage sense to remote or local
cfSetSenseProbeTest sets the automatic testing of the sense probe resistance
cfSetSeqStep defines an output sequence step
cfSetSeqTest defines the tests performed during a sequence step
cfSetSeqTestAnd defines multiple tests combined with the logical AND function
cfSetSerialConfig sets the communication parameters of a serial port
cfSetServerTimeout sets the connection inactivity timeout period
cfSetShutdownDelay sets the shutdown delay period
cfSetShutdownMode sets the shutdown mode to auto or manual
cfSetTimeout sets the time the client waits for a response from the server
cfSetTrigSource sets the trigger source to LAN or external
cfSetVoltage sets the output voltage
cfShutdown causes the Agilent MCCD to go to a safe state prior to shutting down
cfStateDelete deletes a previously created instrument state
cfStateList returns a list of instrument state names
cfStateRecall loads a previously created instrument state
cfStateSave saves the present instrument settings in non-volatile memory
cfTrigger sends a trigger over the LAN
cfWriteSerial writes data words to the serial port