Wet Bulb:
Range: 5 to 60°C
Resolution: 0.1°C
% Outside Air:
Range: 0 to 100%
Resolution: 0.1%
Logging Capability: Up to 14,000 measure-
ments in 1000 test ID’s
Intervals: 5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25, 30
sec. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,
20,25,30,60 min.
Meter Dimensions: 89 mm × 168 mm ×
41 mm
Weight (with batteries): 0.53 kg
Probe length: 175 mm
Probe tip diameter: 19 mm
Display: 2 line, 4-digit LCD
Operating Range: 5 to 70°C
Storage Range: -20 to 70°C
Power Requirements: Four AA-size batteries
(included) or AC adapter
Printer Interface Type: Serial, 1200 baud
1 Add ±0.36%/ deg C away from calibration
2 At 25°C. Add uncertainty of ±0.05%/°C away from
calibrated temperature