Alcatel-Lucent 1850 TSS-320
T r a n s p o r t S e r v i c e S w i t c h R e l e a s e 3
•Unique, universal switch architecture
¬Switches packets or circuits in their native format
¬Accommodates any traffic mix, from
¬Offers TDM and packet line cards for
•Fully integrates photonic, optical and data layers
¬Carrier Ethernet service through
¬SONET/SDH Optical Transport Hi- erarchy (OTH) switching, including HO/LO STS and VC switching
¬Very Long Haul (VLH)/Ultra Long Haul (ULH) support
¬Dense and coarse WDM (DWDM/ CWMD)
•Delivers multidegree ROADM functionality
¬Reconfigurable 44 x 10 G channel
¬Wavelength selective switch (WSS)
1x 9 ports
¬Mesh capable ROADM up to