A new way
to communicate
The Alcatel-Lucent 9 SERIES takes you to a new dimension in audio experience, esthetics, communications productivity and customer care.
This advanced range brings the award-winning power of the Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX communication servers - with their spectrum of advanced features - within even easier reach.
Alcatel-Lucent 9 SERIES offers the best sound quality around. Its terminals have a hands-free speakerphone, including acoustic echo cancellation, and take listening comfort to new levels.
Their sleek, ultra-modern design, available in ice blue or urban gray, is itself hard to resist. But these phones don’t just look the part - they are also conceived to ensure the simplest, most intuitive, access to a wealth of features.
Alcatel-Lucent 9 SERIES soft key functions couldn’t be simpler to use, as they automatically change according to the call context, and are clearly displayed on the screen. Intuitive icons make using the system’s sophisticated features as easy as 123, while the phones’ high-resolution, adjustable graphical screens enhance comfort-of-use.
A l c a t e l - L u c e n t 9 S E R I E S