11.8 Snaptu (1) .............................................................

Snaptu is a free mobile application platform that turns your favorite websites into ultra fast mobile applications that work on your phone. It allows you to access popular services, ranging from social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Picasa to entertainment news, blogs, sports and local guides. In addition, phone users are free to add or remove application or website links.

To open an account online, please go to: http://www.snaptu.com/.

11.9 Shozu (1) ..............................................................

ShoZu means you can share the moment, whether it's a photo, video or a blog. You can send your stuff to friends and family, email or social networks simply by pressing the button. Add tags, titles and descriptions before or after uploading them. Then see in real time what your friends are saying about your uploads, and reply to them from your phone anywhere and anytime.

To open an account online, please go to: http://www.shozu.com/.

(1)Depending on your model.

12 Entertainment ...................

12.1 Stopwatch....................................................

The stopwatch is a simple application for measuring time with the possibility to register several results and suspend/resume measurement.

12.2 Ebook ..........................................................

A bookshelf contains the electronic books (.txt and .pdb file only). While reading the book, you may add bookmark, or reach the text by searching words, phrases (Options\Find, Options\Jump to).

Available options:



Open the current ebook

Book information

Display the detailed information (title, size and


format) about the book.


Delete the current book.

Delete all

Delete all the books.


Sort the books by name, type, time or size.

Global settings

Set the font, scroll mode, display format, etc.

Apply global settings Select to apply global settings.


List all hotkeys.

To avoid character corruption, please ensure that the encoding format is correct (Global settings or Settings\Encoding format).