Touch the Menu icon, more options will show:

Party shuffle Touch to play the current playlist in party shuffle mode.

Add to playlist Touch to add the playing song to other playlist.

Use as

Touch to set the playing song as ringtone.




Touch to delete the playing song.


Touch to view all songs.


Touch to search music in playlist.

Shake to

Mark the checkbox to active the function the

switch songs

shake towards left or right to switch songs.


While playing songs with Play Music, the operation of pause, play or skip is still available even if the screen is locked.

8.4.2Working with playlists

Playlists allow you to conveniently organize all songs stored in the SD card.

You can create a new playlist, add a song to the list, and delete or rename a playlist.

To create a playlist

Touch Recently added from Playlists screen, touch and then touch Save as playlist, enter the name and finally touch Save.

To delete a playlist

Touch and hold a playlist to show the menu, then touch Delete.

8.5Video Player................................................

To access this function, touch Application tab from the Home screen, then touch Video player.

Video player is a small built-in video player that lists all your videos.

Touch an item from the list to play. While playing, use Pause, Stop or Loop as required, touch a point on the timeline to jump to and play from. Touch switch to play the video in full screen.