RP-SET Troubleshooting PIM-SM
page 16-16 OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005
PIM: *** Encoded-Unicast RP Address # 1 ***
PIM: Address family = 1 (IP (IP version 4))
PIM: Encoding type = 0
PIM: Unicast address = []
PIM: RP1-Holdtime = 150 (in seconds)
PIM: RP1-Priority = 0
PIM: Reserved = 0
The RP-Holdtime parameters is the corresponding time the BSR will hold related RP multicast group
information in its table as valid. This parameter is reset to 150 s when a C-RP Advertisement is received at
BSR and originated by the RP in question.
Debugging RP-SET
As mentioned previously, RP-SET are included in Bootstrap messages. Commands to debug RP-SET:
-> ip pimsm debug-type bootstrap
-> ip pimsm debug-level 100
On Non BSR You Should See
tPimsm-: Received bootstrap message from, bsr addr:
on vlan 2
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: Contents
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: Prefix : Mask :
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: RP: Priority : 0
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: current rplist does exist
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: removing timer
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: bit already set for indx:1
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: Prefix : Mask :
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: RP: Priority : 0
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: current rplist does exist
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: removing timer
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: bit already set for indx:2
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: Prefix : Mask :
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: RP: Priority : 0
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: current rplist does exist
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: removing timer
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: bit already set for indx:2
tPimsm-: AcceptBSMsg: check Rehash
tPimsm-: CheckRehash : SET adding rp:indx:1
tPimsm-: CheckRehash : SET adding rp:indx:2
This output shows the IP address of the routing relaying the bootstrap message, the BSR ID, the VLAN
ID, the various multicast group, RP IP address and priority.
Issuing the same command on the BSR would detail the C-RP Advertisement received, and the bootstrap
messages sent on various interfaces.