Troubleshooting Authenticated VLANs Troubleshooting Using Debug Systrace
OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005 page 18-11
1595408715 AAA info [RAD] rad_buildauth: port 1 added to access-request
1595473430 AAA info [RAD] radDoSend OK : id=9, addr=0x8502fd01 port=1645
1595582865 AAA info [RAD] radDoSend OK : id=9, addr=0x8502fd01 port=1645
1595670050 AAA debug3 [RAD] radProcPkt: Got a reply from Radius server , id =
9, code 2, length 59
1595778543 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: Attribute type 25, length 27
1595865571 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: classe (_SBR-CL DN="ADMIN" AT="0"_)
1595953731 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: Attribute type 26, length 12
1596040797 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: Xylan-specific attribute type 1,
length 6
1596127892 AAA info [RAD] radAddAuthGroup :numOfVlans=1, groupeNbr=103,
1596213884 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: RADIUS authentication succeeded
1596300968 AAA info [RAD] radSendMsgToAaa : message Authentication Reply -
msgID = 140046(TRUNCATED)
1596435553 AAA debug3 in aaa_DispatchClientRsp,msgId=0x140046
1596500948 AAA debug1 begin Authent Evt : Auth Reply Ok, St : WAIT RESP1,
name : admin, Rec(TRUNCATED)
1596609497 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_AuthRspOK
1596675141 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_ReplyHdlMgt
1596718079 AAA debug1 Send auth Success, session 8000a15967836691596783761
AAAAAA debug3deb ug1Entering in aaa_ userReturnST_IDLEAVLAN begin Evt :
Aut1596892230h Reply Ok ,St : WAIT RESP, naAAAme : admin Avlan se(TRUNCATED)
1596979322debug1 AAAA AA_Serv>> Ctx adm in removed from Chadebug3l_Rsp
link,se t in No linkEntering in aaaAvlanAuthRs1597109393pOKAAA15 97130885
debug1A AAEnd Authent Evt S t : IDLE, name : , ses : 0/ 0, debug3Ret =
OKAAA_Serv>> entering in aaaAvlanSendOneCtxToSecondaryCmm
1597306117 AAA debug2 SL 0xa0070, VL 103, proto 1 p 1
1597393189 AAA debug3 Entering in aaaAvlanReplyHdlMgt
1597458749 AAA debug1 Send Authent. Success, name : admin, hdl ses 0x4abbdf0x
Avlan ses 0x8000a
1597567346 AAA 1597567404 debugAAA2 Ask stat usdebug3er admin ref 0
x516bec0 received a mess5.dc.a2age from AAA1597698585159771994
6AAA AAA debu g3debug1 Entering AAA_HDL_MGT_USER_RSPin aaaAvlanFormatSen
/ AAA_HDL_MGT_CHAL_dAcctREQ received 11597850146597850090 AAAAAA
debugdebug13 Send login aaaHdlUtilBufInNormaAcct Evt to AAA admilList, free Id
10863n, 1030344, typ 611598004946598004880 AAAAAA debugdebug11 AVLAN
end SSend to Authenticat it : CONNECTED, name on dispatcher slice : admin, Ret =
OK0 slot 1 port 115981779431598199405 AAAA AA debug2 debReceiv. stat user
adug1min ref 0x8000a succefully sent
1598330577 AAA debug1 Send to Authentication dispatcher slice 0 slot 1 port 1
1598418719 AAA debug1 Message succefully sent
1598461700 AAA debug1 aaaHdlXcap_free_ccb: Free ccb 4abbdf0
1598526202 AAA debug3 Memory : free space for CCB : 4abbdf0
1600175529 AAA debug2 aaaReleaseIpRecRequest, Mac address
not found
AVClient logout:
-> 1628234237 AAA debug3 XCAP rec. from Auth Dispat
1628234342 AAA debug1 XCAP new control block
1628234407 AAA debug3 Memory : allocate space for ccb : 4ad5b10
1628234459 AAA debug1 Removing MAC = 00902775dca2 from all Authenticated