Troubleshooting Using Debug CLI Troubleshooting 802.1X
page 19-4 OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005
Troubleshooting Using Debug CLI
Assuming Radius communication takes place on UDP port 1645:
Layer-2: debug ip packet protocol udp port 1645 start
C S 1/1 00d09579640e->00d0956af558 IP> UDP 1025,1645
C R 1/1 00d0956af558->00d09579640e IP> UDP 1645,1025
C S 1/1 00d09579640e->00d0956af558 IP> UDP 1025,1645
C R 1/1 00d0956af558->00d09579640e IP> UDP 1645,1025
1 R CMM (00d09579640e)->(00d0956af558) IP> UDP 1025,1645
1 S 1/1 00d09579640e->00d0956af558 IP> UDP 1025,1645
1 R 1/1 00d0956af558->00d09579640e IP> UDP 1645,1025
1 S CMM 00d0956af558->00d09579640e IP> UDP 1645,1025
1 R CMM (00d09579640e)->(00d0956af558) IP> UDP 1025,1645
1 S 1/1 00d09579640e->00d0956af558 IP> UDP 1025,1645
1 R 1/1 00d0956af558->00d09579640e IP> UDP 1645,1025
1 S CMM 00d0956af558->00d09579640e IP> UDP 1645,1025
2 R 2/3 000f1fd55495->(ffffffffffff) ARP Request>
2 R 2/3 000f1fd55495->(ffffffffffff) ARP Request>
2 R 2/3 000f1fd55495->(ffffffffffff) ARP Request>
Layer-2: debug systrace appid aaa level debug3
Layer-2: debug systrace enable
Layer-2: debug systrace show log
To verify what the Radius server has returned, please look at the following line in bold:
radAddAuthGroup :numOfVlans=1, groupeNbr=101, protobind=0
For example:
431612866 AAA debug3 entering in aaaProcessPortManager
431612997 AAA debug3 rec from PM 34, status ad UP, op DOWN
431613178 AAA debug2 [ONEX] onex_process_pm LINK_STATUS 2003
432450759 TRAP warnin ping NMS : no echo
433243756 AAA debug3 entering in aaaProcessPortManager
433243886 AAA debug3 rec from PM 34, status ad UP, op UP
433244071 AAA debug2 [ONEX] onex_process_pm LINK_STATUS 2003
433244189 AAA debug2 [ONEX] onex_auth_txCannedFail sent to 2003
433244328 AAA debug2 [ONEX] onex_auth_txReqId sent to 2003
440336239 AAA debug2 [ONEX] onex_auth_disp_proc_eapol received from 34
440336371 AAA debug2 [ONEX] onex_auth_disp_proc eap resp/ID
440336460 AAA info [ONEX] onex_bauthsm_sendRespToServer user name len 7,
eap msg len 7
440336740 AAA debug1 begin Authent Evt : Req, St : IDLE, name : user101, Rec
ses : 48c4288(TRUNCATED)
440336834 AAA debug3 Entering in aaaAuthentReq
440336915 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_ProcessAuthent
440337002 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_FormatSendAuthReq
440356146 AAA debug1 Send Auth/Log to RADIUS for user101, Refser:0x2 AAA ses
440435825 440435891AA AAAA debug1d ebug3AAA_Serv>> Ctx user101 removed
fr[RAD] radMain : messom No link, set in Cage received from AAhal_Rsp linkA
440440595058594997 AAAAAA infodebug 1 [RAD] Message AEnd Authent Evt
St :uthentication Reques WAIT RESP1, name : t - msgID = 140026 -user101, ses :
48c42 received from(TRUNC88/ c, Ret = OKATED)