Troubleshooting 802.1X Troubleshooting Using Debug CLI
OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005 page 19-5
440814250 AAA info [RAD] radBuildServeurAuth : id = 19
440874069 AAA info [RAD] radAddAttr : adding attribute type 1
440933046 AAA info [RAD] radBuildServeurAuth : RADIUS client address =
441012638 AAA info [RAD] radAddAttr : adding attribute type 4
441091272 AAA info [RAD] radAddAttr : adding attribute type 5
441152216 AAA info [RAD] rad_buildauth: port 35 added to access-request
441230837 AAA info [RAD] radAddAttr : adding attribute type 79
441311563 AAA info [RAD] rad_buildauth: EAP msg added to access-request
441391033 AAA info [RAD] radAddAttr : adding attribute type 80
441451000 AAA info [RAD] rad_buildauth: PW_MESSAGE_AUTHENTICATOR added to
441550316 AAA info [RAD] radBuildReq : Updated MESSAGE_AUTHENTICATOR
441610744 AAA info [RAD] radDoSend OK : id=19, addr=0x8502fd01 port=1645
441709499 AAA info [RAD] radDoSend OK : id=19, addr=0x8502fd01 port=1645
441789195 AAA debug3 [RAD] radProcPkt: Got a reply from Radius server , id =
19, code 11, length 77
441889383 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: RADIUS challenge for user (user101)
441968957 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: Attribute type 24, length 15
442048564 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: state rcvd.
442107543 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: Attribute type 79, length 24
442167497 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: Attribute type 80, length 18
442247130 AAA info [RAD] radProcPkt: RADIUS challenge for user (user101)
442326726 AAA info [RAD] radSendMsgToAaa : message Challenge Request -
msgID = 140048 - (TRUNCATED)
442426339 AAA debug3 in aaa_DispatchClientRsp,msgId=0x140048
442485995 AAA debug1 begin Authent Evt : Chal Req, St : WAIT RESP1, name :
user101, Rec se(TRUNCATED)
442605885 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_AuthChalReq
442645390 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_ReplyAuthChalReq
442705166 AAA debug1 Send Challenge Question, name : user101, session
442784858 442784996AAA AAA debug1 deAAA_Serv>> Ctx user1bug201 removed
from Chal_Rsp link, set [ONEX] onex_bauthsm_in Client_Rsp linktx
Req sent to 2003 4 42944015442944172 AAAAAA debug1debug2 End Authent
[ONEX] onex_auth_disEvt St : WAIT CHAL, p_proc_eapol receivename : user101, ses
d from 34/ 0:f:1f:d5: 48c4288/ c, Ret :54:95= OK
443142527 AAA debug2 [ONEX] onex_auth_disp_proc eap resp!=id
443202791 AAA debug1 begin Authent Evt : Chal Resp, St : WAIT CHAL, name :
user101, Rec se(TRUNCATED)
443322375 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_UserChalRsp
443361687 AAA debug3 Entering in aaa_FormatSendChalRsp
443420706 AAA debug1 AAA_Serv>> Send Challenge Response to RADIUS client,
name user101, Re(TRUNCATED)
443540837 AAA debug1 443540929AAA_ Serv>> Ctx user101 AAAremoved from
Client_Rsp link, set in Chal_Rsp linkdebug3 443660523[RAD] radMain : message
AAAreceived from AAA debug144372043 4End Authent Evt St : WAIT RESP2,
nameAAA : user101, ses : 48c4288/ c, Re t = OKinfo [RAD] Message Chal-
lenge Reply - msgID = 14002a - received from AAA f(TRUNCATED)
443899513 AAA info [RAD] radBuildServeurAuth : id = 20
443959256 AAA info [RAD] radAddAttr : adding attribute type 1
444039009 AAA info [RAD] radBuildServeurAuth : RADIUS client address =
444117495 AAA info [RAD] radAddAttr : adding attribute type 4
444177453 AAA info [RAD] radBuildServeurAuth : RADIUS client specData =
SBR-CH 439|1
444276734 AAA info [RAD] radAddAttr : adding attribute type 24