Dshell Troubleshooting Troubleshooting the Switch System
page 1-18 OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005
tIpedrMsg IP Ethernet Driver Task Message handler
tahw_sch Spanning Tree Support
qdsUnr Queue Dispatcher of unresolved queues
taSM_DVR NI Stack Manager
ipcReceive IPC Receive Task
taSM_NI NI Stack Manager
la_ni_tick_ NI Link Aggregation Timer
tahw_stp Spanning Tree Support
ipc_monitor IPC monitor task
tNiSup&Prb NI supervision and Prober task
tL2Stat L2 statistics gathering task
taEipc Extended IPC task
CfgMgr Configuration Manager Task
Gateway MIP gateway
EIpc Extended IPC task
Ftpd FTP Daemon Task
taStp Spanning Tree task
tMemMon Memory Monitor task
tssApp_SNMP Temporary task to support SNMP
tssApp_12_4 Temporary task to support CLI
tCS_CCM Chassis Configuration Manager
tCS_PRB Chassis supervision Prober task
tCS_CMS Chassis MAC Server
tCS_HSM Chassis Supervision Hardware Services Manager
tCsCSMtask Chassis Supervision Chassis State Manager
SwLogging Switch Logging task
DSTwatcher Daylight saving task
tWhirlpool Encryption Support
ipc_tests IPC debugging and test support
ipc_ping IPC ping task
IXE2424_ IXE2424 task