Using AlcatelDebug.cfg Troubleshooting the Switch System
page 1-26 OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005
In stacking environment, only the primary and secondary switches have console enabled whereas console
is disabled for the idle switches. To enable the Dshell access to the idle switches use the following
command on primary stack:
Nisup_control_WW_on slot
You must execute this command on each idle switch in the stack. Please note that these switches will not
allow to exit with the exit command. To restore normal Dshell access you will need to reboot the switch.
Using AlcatelDebug.cfg
When you are using IPMS/DVMRP with 802.1Q it is recommended that debug interfaces set backpres-
sure enable be used. This command can be put in the boot.cfg file, but it is overwritten as soon as write
memory is issued, since it is a debug command and the setting is lost after a reboot. To retain the debug
settings after a system reboot, put debug commands into a file called AlcatelDebug.cfg in both the work-
ing and certified directories. Use Notepad or VI editor to create the AlcatelDebug.cfg file.
-> vi AlcatelDebug.cfg
-> debug set WWON 1 => to allow dshell access in the event of the console lockup
-> debug set esmDebugLevel 4 => see port up/down event on swlog
-> debug interfaces set backpressure enable => to enable system backpressure